Categories:: Software Engineering

A MES might be seen as an intermediate step between, on the one hand, an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, and a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) or process control system on the other and is usually a special adapted application. Here we have programmed a solution between SAP® and a production line based on Siemens PLC.
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Categories:: Software Service
Due to pollution of baking plates during wafer production, a periodic cleaning is necessary to guarantee the final quality of the outcoming product. Our customer is developing a new system to clean baking plates fully automatically with laser technology. We help to supervise the process with the use of image processing.
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Categories:: Software Engineering
VPD and OVPD (Organic - Vapor Phase Deposition) are technologies to produce organic electronics like OLEDs by deposit of special semiconductor materials. The Organic Electronic Cluster (OEC) is based on this technologies and offers a wide range of process modules needed in the field. We have taken over the vacuum concept and supported the customer by programming and commissioning of a demo cluster in the course of a temporary employment agency.
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Categories:: Design Software Assembly Engineering
The microlens array used here is an array with an area of 2.8 mm² and 280 lenses. We designed the electrical hardware architecture, programed the software , and made the electrical installation to position and bond the microlens array with a multi-axis control unit and optical image processing in 6 degrees of freedom up to 100 nm.
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Categories:: Design Software Engineering
Up to 15000 times per second a defined high voltage must be generated between two electrodes by resonant charging and discharged by trigger lasers. We have developed such a system from scratch and achieved unprecedented accuracy.
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Categories:: Design Software Assembly Machinery Manufacturing
To operate an EUV-LDP-Source, media and processes must be regulated and controlled in real time. In order to evaluate the hardware and software used for this purpose, a simulator is not only helpful but also saves enormous costs since the real machine is not occupied. For our customer we have developed such a simulator.
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Categories:: Design Software Assembly Machinery Manufacturing Engineering
The Tin Handling Box (THB) is a core module in a Tin based LDP-SOURCE (see for this also the other projects about EUV-LDP-SOURCES). Before such a complex module is used for the first time or after a refurbishment, it must be tested in all operating phases from heating-up over operation to cooling down again. We have completely designed such a testbench and have already delivered it several times.
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Categories:: Design Software Assembly Engineering Service

To operate an EUV LDP Source, a tin plasma must be generated and controlled in a high vacuum environment using high voltage. Together with our customer we have developed, built and programmed the entire environment of such an EUV source.
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